KOZAK-5-PML is a special armored vehicle for mine clearing teams, intended for transportation of UXOs (landmines, shells etc.) to the disposal site. Its distinctive features are special compartments and exceptional construction design, calculated for the sudden detonation of the explosives being transported.

KOZAK-5-PML is special modification of KOZAK-5 lightweight armored vehicle, intended for mineclearance teams of State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Kozak 5PML’s main purpose is to transport unexploded mines and IEDs from places of mine clearing to the places of utilization. Key feature – outstanding dynamic characteristics (maximum road speed of vehicle is 150 km/h) and special enforced structure of crew compartment, that allows to minimize damages in the event of sudden explosion of mines/IEDs during its transportation. Also vehicle has complex of anti-blast features that provides STANAG 4569 level 2 of blast protection, that is uncommon for vehicles of this class.
The problem of landmines and improvised explosive devices left in the ground is one of the most pressing in the modern world, and is now becoming particularly up-to-date for Ukraine. The company has many long track record in cooperation with humanitarian demining organisations, for which PJSC «RPA «Practika» produces a full line of protected vehicles for various stages of demining operations – vehciles that clear debris and free the way; vehicles that scan the ground/targetedly activate mines; vehicles that transport demining team personnel and vehicles that remove excavated and deactivated mines and improvised explosive devices.